With Christmas, New Year's, and other merry December celebrations behind us, many people have already packed away their festive holiday decor and now face the dull and dark reality of gray Winter days bereft of color and light.

But does it really need to be this way?
Definitely not!
As a designer, part of my job is to help my clients create living spaces that make them feel good - and a key component to feeling good in one's space is recognizing the natural change of seasons that happen around us. In many parts of the U.S. winter is cold, dreary, and dark. It's a challenging time of year for many and mental health is absolutely affected by this weather. So it's especially important during the Winter months for me to help my clients create inviting, comfortable, and beautiful spaces.

So, what do I recommend to my clients during the Winter months?
Bring in as much light and comfort as possible! Embrace the beauty that Winter offers: sparkling snow, bare branches against a purple-gray sky, and an opportunity to slow down. Load up on cozy pillows and blankets. Keep some (or all) the twinkle lights up. Embrace evergreens. Remember that snowflakes and snowmen aren't just for Christmas. Have hot chocolate, tea, coffee, (or whatever warm drink floats your boat) at the ready - and maybe even set up a special "hot beverage bar" in your kitchen or dining room. Research Hygge and implement it straight away. Discover a new craft or hobby and spend an evening or two every week working on it. Open your arms wide to creating a beautiful and comforting Winter space in your home that will carry you through a tough season until warmer, brighter Spring days arrive.

For cozy Winter home decor items, be sure to visit our mini-shop inside the Historic Burlington Antiques & Art Emporium at 424 High Street in Burlington, NJ or online at www.AndreasAtticHomeDecor.com